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In Never Out

  • 藝人:Pg.lost
  • 語(yǔ)種:國(guó)語(yǔ)
  • 唱片公司:Black Star Foundation
  • 發(fā)行時(shí)間:2009-11-12
  • 上傳者:Black Star Foundation 上傳時(shí)間:2009-11-12
  • 專輯類別:專輯
  • 專輯熱度:

從悲寂推至劇烈、從幽閉推向熾熱,Pg.lost的聲音就像從地表竄起那熾熱的火焰,瞬間地點(diǎn)燃了整個(gè)黑暗的世界。首張專輯《It’s Not Me, It’s You!》來(lái)的比Explosions In The Sky、World’s End Girlfriend更加戲劇性,黑暗陰郁更甚Mono、Envy,偶有Sigur Ros當(dāng)年的影子。而這回伴隨著漫長(zhǎng)的征途,這支來(lái)自瑞典的Post-Rock勁旅,終于又有新作《In Never Out》面世;與以往不同的是,Pg.lost欲意投向更加深沉的內(nèi)省世界,逐漸脫離了《Yes I Am》時(shí)的激蕩與旋律化。Shoegaze式的吉他聲浪變得更加內(nèi)斂,也更加凄美。唱片裡有兩部長(zhǎng)達(dá)10分鐘以上的演奏曲,前者《Crystalline》有一種絢爛歸于平澹的感覺(jué)、后者《Gomez》所營(yíng)造出的平靜情緒,簡(jiǎn)直是一場(chǎng)Pg.lost出色的內(nèi)心戲。

An orchestra of the heart, a playground for the long lost sporadic thoughts of giving in or getting back. Pg.Lost is a swedish band of many directions, but most of all a band throbbing with great melancholy grinding against the precious high hopes of not just individual human thinking and feeling, but also contrasts within pushing the sonic boundries of endless instrumental experiments of prolonging. Pg.Lost recently recieved a lot of press attention because of an American individual attracting a record deal by falsely using their music as his own. But then again Pg.Lost does have a way of sounding like a deep emotion or unresolved issues, so no wonder a fraction of us get confused, and start mistaking their music for something private.

Pg.Lost feature members from Eskju Divine and Last Days Of April and has supported bands like MONO, Khoma and Efterklang. 20th of June 2007 Pg.Lost released the Yes I Am EP on the Swedish label Black Star Foundation. 29th of September Pg.Lost released their first full lenght album Its Not Me, Its You!.
如果你喜歡Pg.lost的專輯《In Never Out》里的歌曲可以把下面的歌曲連接發(fā)給你的朋友:
1.Prahanien - Pg.lost
2.Jura - Pg.lost
3.Heart of Hearts - Pg.lost
4.Still Alright - Pg.lost
5.Crystalline - Pg.lost
6.Gomez - Pg.lost
