British Sea Power

姓 名:British Sea Power
英文名: British Sea Power
國 家:歐美


時(shí)隔三年之后,來自英國的五人樂隊(duì)British Sea Power終于推出了他們的第三張專輯《Do You Like Rock Music》。在兩兄弟Yan、Hamilton的帶領(lǐng)下,他們依然延續(xù)著以往歌曲中的絕妙之處:不按照常理出牌的旋律,以及雄渾又深入人心的底蘊(yùn)都讓人難以忘懷。
或許《Do You Like Rock Music》被英國媒體冠以“2008年最優(yōu)秀的專輯”的名號(hào)為時(shí)過早,但或多或少說明了一個(gè)問題:這張專輯的確出彩,而樂隊(duì)此前被戴上的“這個(gè)時(shí)代最具創(chuàng)作力和想象力的樂隊(duì)”的榮譽(yù)也非浪得虛名!澳銗蹞u滾樂嗎”是一個(gè)頗具反諷意味的標(biāo)題,像極了對(duì)浮躁人們的質(zhì)問,當(dāng)然也可能僅僅是自我警惕的坐標(biāo),但都叫人深思。
在Bark Psychosis的Graham Sutton及Godspeed You Black Emperor的Efrim Menuck等人的傾力監(jiān)制下,這張凝聚內(nèi)力的專輯得以問世。樂隊(duì)成員輾轉(zhuǎn)英國康沃爾郡、加拿大蒙特利爾和捷克布拉格三地灌錄專輯,也傾注了他們對(duì)專輯的熱情。專輯中不變的是狂躁的旋律,寬廣的情懷,而吉他仍舊是British Sea Power中最迷人的部分,引領(lǐng)著明朗的節(jié)奏、迷幻的氛圍及如謎的癲狂。而出人意料的變化,則如同品一壺好酒,隨后才方知美味。從熱血激情到深情款款,這一靜一動(dòng)的轉(zhuǎn)換,都是如此率真自然。至于收錄的唯一一首器樂歌曲《The Great Skua》,則像是對(duì)已經(jīng)解散的后搖名團(tuán)Godspeed You Black Emperor的致敬,同時(shí)也證明了樂隊(duì)自身的深厚功力。
A rather conceptual indie band -- one that's been compared more than once to Joy Division -- British Sea Power is a quartet from Brighton, England, comprising members named Hamilton, Noble, Yan, and Wood. Formed in late 2000, their live shows began to receive notice early on, thanks in no small part to the large stuffed birds that perched on stage and the militaristic uniforms worn by the band members. Rough Trade's Geoff Travis was taken aback by one of the group's (literally) wild performances and signed them; by the end of 2001, they had two singles in the racks: Fear of Drowning on Golden Chariot and Remember Me on Rough Trade. The group released its' critically-acclaimed debut The Decline of British Sea Power in 2003. Open Season arrived in 2005, followed by Do You Like Rock Music? in early 2008.

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